Quick! Quick!
"dinigulation" Er, I don't know that one. Dinigulation, anyone?
It means get on with it, we want ice cream!
Ice cream! That's what's significant!
Highly significant.
Yea! Let's go have ice cream now!
Hello, my name is Maurice. Discovered at a flea market in Clermont-Ferrand, France, I was rescued for 50 centimes and immediately taken hiking. Since then I have been an ideal travelling companion: lightweight, squishable, free on trains and planes, uncomplaining, and useful in many comic situations. Over the years the shade of my pink has faded, but there will always be a new horizon to be dragged to.
marking - yuck! ice cream - by the shovelful. steven
Good Lord! Nearly my day. Except I ended up shouting at my rats.
We Ragged Ramblers applaud Pink Rabbit, especially Monty the Wise Weasel antiquarian. Huzzah!
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