Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tree Trimming

Hey, guys, it's time to decorate the tree!
What tree? Are we getting a Christmas tree? Cool!
This is the tree, right here.
That's the ficus.
It's a Christmas ficus.
You can't have a ficus for a Christmas tree.
Who says?
Here's the Box of Ornaments. There are red ones and gold ones and blue ones...
Is there tinsel? I don't see any tinsel.
We've got lights, elves, snowflakes...
No tinsel? We have to decorate a ficus and there's not even tinsel!
We're sceptical.

There's lot's of fun stuff in here. Really. It'll look great.

I dunno, Ingmar. I think it needs tinsel.
And Disney characters.
Maybe some bits of cheese.
Let's lock Maurice in the box with his so-called "ornaments"

C'mon guys, let's get some cans of that fake snow stuff and go tag the neighborhood!




hey lemme out!


1 comment:

A Scattering said...

What will they get up to next!? Very creative critters.