Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Aïe! Je suis taggué

bon, le tagg c'est quoi ... *

citer mon tagguer: c'est guerome
tagguer 6 autres "personnes": Laars, Stéphanie A ma marraine, Bandersnatch, Anita P, Darrell U, Marie-Laure V
et puis répondre aux questions:

-Trait principal de mon caractère: Amiable. Je vais avec tout et partout. Jamais un mot à travers.
-Ma principale qualité: Je suis TOUTE ROSE
-Mon occupation préférée: Voyager. Surtout là où il y a des carottes. Parfois il faut chercher des carottes bien loin, et parfois on essai plein choses autre que des carottes, comme c'est pas toujours le truc locale.
-Qualité que je préfère chez un homme: Généreux. Qu'il m'offre plein carottes.
-Qualité que je préfère chez une femme: Généreuse. Qu'elle m'offre plein carottes.
-Plat qui me met l'eau à la bouche: Les carottes craquantes sur lit de salade, avec une petite sauce d'haricot vert, et des radis à coté.
-Mes mots favoris: "Nous sommes arrivées": ça veut dire que je peux sortir du sac à dos de Nancy et dresser mes oreilles. "Vos réservations sont confirmées" me vont bien aussi: ça veut dire qu'on partira de nouveau.
-Ce que je déteste par dessus tout: Le fin du pellicule ASA 400, le fin des vacances, les cheins qui bavent.

* Ah, so what's tagging?
- cite my tagger: Gerrome
- tag six other people: Laars, my godmother Stephanie A, Bandersnatch, Anita P, Darrell U, Marie-Laure V
- answer the questions:

- my principle character trait: amiable. I go with everything and everywhere. Never a cross word.
- my main quality: I am completely pink.
- my favorite activity: travelling. Especially where there are carrots. Sometimes you have to go pretty far to get carrots, and sometimes we try lots of other stuff, as it's not always the local specialty.
- what I like in a guy: generosity. He gives me lots of carrots.
- what I like in a girl: generosity. She gives me lots of carrots. - my favorite dish: crunchy carrots on a bed of lettuce with a nice green bean sauce and radishes on the side.
- my favorite words: "We're here", which means I can get out of Nancy's backpack and straighten my ears. "Your reservations are confirmed" is good too, because that means we'll be going somewhere soon.
- what I dislike most: the end of the roll of film, the end of a vacation, dogs that drool.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Salut les fans*

Et me voila une fois de plus en vacances. Quelle vie de lapin.
Je reste quelques jours chez Jèrôme mon tailleur, lui qui sais tellement bien comment habiller des lapins. Il me fabrique un blouse de labo - ça me va bien! Bientôt j'aurai un sac à dos pour les randonnés, avec plein carottes dedans.

Et il fait des jolies choses pour les humains aussi :

Puis chaque soir c'est la fête avec les nouveaux copains. Chez Nancy il y a que des chats et mon pote Laars Avrotte. Je m'amuse ici quelques semaines. A bientôt!
Hi guys!
Here I am on vacation again. What a rabbit's life.
I'm staying with my tailor, Jerome, for a while; he knows so well what goes well on a rabbit. He's making me a lab coat - I like it! Next he's making me a rucksack for going hiking, and I can fill it with carrots.
He makes lots of neat things for people, too: Check it out.
Then every night it's time to party with my new friends. At Nancy's there's only the cats and my buddy Laars Avrotte. I'm going to have fun here for a couple of weeks. See you soon!

Monday, October 13, 2008

15 to 32

I know you have seen this picture. It's just that the one of me attempting to have fun bowling and instead being crushed under a 16-pound bowling ball seems to have been lost. But you get the idea of my pain at the end of the Clermont ASM vs Sale Sharks game on Saturday. Aïe! At the end there the English were pounding us into the dirt. The score would have been way worse if they only had a decent placekicker.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Shortcut to Sweden

Hi, it's me.
Still hanging around in the park in Copenhagen. When it's clear out you can see right across to Sweden. It's just on the other side of the offshore windfarms. And it is windy out here - no wonder the Danes get so much of their energy from wind, and it doesn't even take up land space! There must be great windsurfing out there, only you get going and Smack! into a windmill.

Denmark has been interesting, but I wonder what Sweden is like. I bet with the right amount of powder, I can get there in a jiffy with this thing:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Is it just me, or have these people been sitting on this bench in a park in Copenhagen far, far too long?